Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to up your protein intake

So this is for all the vegetarians especially the ones enrolled in any kind of strength training or body sculpting class. To avoid getting stymied in your healthy eating efforts, try the French Vanilla Designer Whey protein shake with non fat milk. I tried two combinations, one with water and once with milk. It definitely tastes better with milk. It did not have the chalky aftertaste of Aria, a product by the same company. It kept me full for about 3 hours and helped me avoid going down the usual pastry-chocolate-Haldiram mixture spiral.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Here's something which will make moms feel less guilty

I often read the Times for comments from readers. I think the interaction and discussion for many online articles are as compelling, if not more engaging than the article itself. This is the big deficiency in print versions of newspapers.

While reading the gut vs data debate while choosing a daycare article I found this interesting observation. "A clean, orderly house (while the children are there) means something different to me; a red flag, and my guess is that these kids in this clean house are watching a lot of television."

So I'm going to rationalize the mess and clutter my kid makes at home now! Yay, win win situation!